My Story…

A little about me: I love dutch bros coffee, my bed with my heating pad (arthritis got me ya’ll) and spending time with my family. I also LOVEEEE to cook and visit new food spots, I’m such a foodie. I joke around 95% of the time, I’m a crazy good time and I’m not sure how my husband puts up with me. I am your biggest fan and #1 cheerleader, all about that women empowerment throughout every stage of life. PEOPLE DON’T WARN US ABOUT LIFE, DAMNET!!!! But I will!!! I am probably too honest and some people don’t like that butttttt my tribe always finds me. So, welcome to my crazy life! :) I can’t wait to work with you!

My love for documenting photos came from losing my father at such a young age. We took photos but not enough, you can never document TOO MANY memories, that’s not even a thing. The photos I do still have, I look at often and although I miss him here on earth I can still smile and cherish those frozen moments.

My love for maternity photos comes from losing my first son. I didn’t get to document those memories and it’s probably one of the biggest regrets I have. I know most women don’t feel gorgeous when they’re pregnant, but there's a pregnancy glow that only last a few months. I don’t know a single pregnant woman who regrets taking maternity photos. Pregnancy is such a beautiful thing, us women are SO SO powerful and strong, DOCUMENTATION is so important. You’ll love and cherish the photos for a lifetime.

My passion with empowering women comes from my journey. I’ve been there, done that, and felt that. EVERY WOMAN DESERVES TO FEEL BEAUTIFUL, LOVED & WORTH IT. Document and love the skin your in because one day we will look back and appreciate it even if you don’t in that moment.



Adjust your crown and carry on……

Fun Fact: My daughter took this photo. All I did was edit it.

Fun Fact: My son took this photo. All I did was edit it.

“The most alluring thing that a woman can have is, CONFIDENCE.”
